Alpha Data and star-dundee demonstrate spacefibre and spacewire on Alpha Data’s ada-sdev-kit xqrku060 development kit

Alpha Data and STAR-Dundee have demonstrated compatibility between the Alpha Data ADA-SDEV-KIT and the STAR-Dundee FMC SpaceWire/SpaceFibre board. The Alpha Data ADA-SDEV-KIT is the principal prototyping platform for designs targeting the Xilinx Space Grade Ultrascale™ part, the XQRKU060. This new FPGA allows deployment of Space Based Reconfigurable solutions more than five times the performance of previous generations, and has significantly higher performance transceivers that can support the highest SpaceFibre data rate of 6.25 Gbit/s per lane. The STAR-Dundee FMC SpaceWire/SpaceFibre board provides the perfect development platform, for customers wishing to test and develop SpaceWire and SpaceFibre solutions with the STAR-Dundee VHDL IP cores.


“STAR-Dundee’s SpaceWire and SpaceFibre IP and FMC card will enable Alpha Data ADA-SDEV-KIT customers to develop and implement robust, fault tolerant, space capable communications systems”

Andrew McCormick, Technical Director, Alpha Data

For More Details

Further product details and ordering options for Alpha Data’s ADA-SDEV-KIT please visit .

For more information about STAR-Dundee’s FMC SpaceWire/SpaceFibre board please visit

About Alpha Data

Established in 1993, Alpha Data is a world leader in Xilinx FPGA based plug-in acceleration boards for Data Center, high-performance computing, and rugged embedded computing applications. Alpha Data’s high-reliability hardware platforms are ideal for development as well as full-scale production deployment – shaping the future in video processing, machine learning, and network acceleration.

About STAR-Dundee

STAR-Dundee is an aerospace engineering company focused on spacecraft on-board data-handling and processing technology. The company delivers a comprehensive range of test and development equipment, chip designs and IP cores to the world’s space agencies and international aerospace industry. STAR-Dundee is a world leader in SpaceWire and SpaceFibre technology.