Alpha Data provides a comprehensive selection of carrier cards, allowing XMC FPGA boards to be deployed in a wider variety of systems.
The ADC-XMC-STANDALONE is a standalone breakout adapter for Alpha Data XMCs. A personality wiring card matches the XMC pinout to route through to the breakout interfaces.
The ADC-PCIE-XMC3 is a three quarter length PCI Express card designed to carry a single XMC.
The ADC-XMC-BREAKOUT is a standalone breakout adaptor for Alpha Data XMCs. A personality wiring card matches the XMC pinout to route through to the breakout interfaces.
PC plug-in (half length) card to allow one XMC boards to be used in the PC.
The ADC-VPX3-7Z1 is an Open VPX compliant XMC carrier designed to host the Alpha Data ADM-XRC-7Z1 Zynq based mezzanine card.
The ADC-VPX3-XMC is a single XMC carrier for VPX based systems.
PC plug-in card to allow up to two XMC boards to be used in the PC.